On Creativity, On Family, Uncategorized
Totoro Birthday Party
I mentioned in my last post that I’d post about the Totoro party, so here I am making good on that! The party, overall, was a success. Considering how little planning I did and just sort of threw some things together at the last minute, I was pretty happy with how the decorations turned out. If you aren’t familiar with the movie “My Neighbor Totoro,” you should check it out. Quil loves it (obviously,) as do Andrew and I
Also, BIG THANKS to my sister Maria for hosting and helping with decorating and making food and baking the mini-cakes. She is the best planner and most organized person I know. No family holiday or event could take place without her. The members of our family would all be arriving at different locations at different times and there’d be no food if she didn’t wrangle us all together! She really is “the glue” in our family.
Here are various photos of the different details. Totoro is a forest spirit so a lot of the theme was basically nature related.
The table center piece consisted of faux-plants, dried moss, grapevines, fabric flowers, and flower stickers. I hot-glued dried moss to wooden boxes from the dollar aisle at Target, we then used as risers for the cakes.

Here is a wider view of the table with all the mini-cakes (there were five birthdays being celebrated. We have a big family!) All the faux-plants were purchased from a local craft and hobby store.
In place of party hats, we had a few leaf hats based on the scene from the movie where Totoro has a leaf on his head to protect from the rain. These were pieces of felt cut in the shape of a leaf, with a little extra piece for the stem, hot glued to brown headbands.
We happened by this outfit for Ellis at Target randomly. It’s supposed to be a rabbit, but I thought it looked close enough to a Totoro costume to warrant its purchase. Plus, it’s just super cute. Target has that ability to lure you in with their low-prices and high-cuteness-factor. It’s a dangerous situation to go into when shopping last minute for a party!
This paper cut mobile was supposed to have three tiers, with Totoro at the top and then the two smaller Totoros (the blue and the white ones) hanging below. However, the pieces for the smaller Totoros were so tiny, there was no way I was going to be able to cut them out within a reasonable amount of time. Mind you, I was working on this around 10pm the night before the party (because I’m nuts.) So I decided to forgo the smaller guys even though the OCD/perfectionist in my brain was giving me hard time. In the end, it still turned out fine.
And a few more shots of the mini-cakes my sister made. You can see some Soot Sprites peeking out here and there. For these, we bought black pompoms and stick-on googly eyes. They were so simple, my 4-year-old niece was able to make them. We had her churning out Soot Sprites at maximum speed! The little pink, orange and aqua flowers are from the dollar aisle in Target. They came as long ribbons, but I just snipped a few strands apart and sprinkled them around. They actually reminded me of the candy the Soot Sprites eat in Spirited Away.
So, that was our joint-birthday Totoro Party, in a nutshell! I can relax for another 5 months until Ellis has her FIRST BIRTHDAY. Yikes. Hers should be extra nuts because she’s a summer birthday! I’ll be sure to “over-do” like I always do, according to Andrew.
Tags: Crafts, Decor, Family, Film, Food, Kids, Party
Toby Goodshank - March 23, 2013 11:30 pm
Claudine Gladue - April 22, 2013 8:25 am
LOVE THIS!!! You make me so excited to have kids! I own and love all the Ghibli films and my cats name is Ponyo but it never occurred to me to have a themed birthday party. Best idea! And you pulled it off so wonderfully!
Andrew and Crystal - April 24, 2013 4:40 pm
Thanks Claudine! Oh, Ponyo! What a great name for a cat :) We just adore all the Studio Ghibli films and their characters.
Sondra Huckins - August 7, 2013 8:14 pm
I love that this isn't just over the top "kawaii" style. It actually reflects the movie's theme of nature. My daughter absolutely adores Totoro, so I've been looking for inspiration for her birthday. Thanks for being such a great inspiration!
Andrew and Crystal - August 8, 2013 2:05 am
Thanks Sondra, I'm glad that you found it inspiring :) Did you happen to see a post going around lately (I might be late to the game, but I just saw it the other day) about a place in Japan where they created an exact replica of the house from Totoro?! I want to live in it hahah
Sondra Huckins - August 12, 2013 5:43 pm
Oh my goodness. I need this in my life! I love that picture of the little girl looking through the hole in the rusty bucket :D