Crystal Madrilejos

Design & Creative



This baby is going to have one million crocheted toys before it’s even born! Here are the newest additions: Mushrooms! These are also from the same craft book (Ana Paula Rimoli’s Amiguri Two!) as the Peas in the Pod and the Turtle Mama that I posted about before.

These ones are a little different than the ones in the book though. The pattern called for white felt circles to be sewn onto the mushroom cap, but I didn’t really like the look of it so I just used white yarn to embroider circles onto the cap. I wasn’t so sure about how the circles turned out since they aren’t filled in completely like you’d normally see on a mushroom but I think they are growing on me.

I have plans to make a super-huge one but I’ll have to add that to the end of my list of things. I still have a quilt to get cracking on!




Here is the second crocheting project for baby that I mentioned a couple posts ago. A turtle mama with some surprises!

There is an opening in the back end of the large turtle, out of which comes all the rest of the pieces. All in all the whole project is eight pieces including, the mama turtle, two babies, four eggs and one cracked egg. I was so ready for it to be done and those babies were hard to make! Small things are always harder to make. I’m surprised I’m not cross-eyed by now.

It’s from the same craft book as the Peas in a Pod (Ana Paula Rimoli’s Amiguri Two!). I’ve already been asked about the eyes and their baby-safeness. They are safety eyes and though I’ve tried my hardest to get them out (never with any success) I would recommend supervising baby when playing with any dolls with hard plastic eyes.



Peas in a Pod

Another reason why I have a million craft projects going is because I have this tendency to do something so much until I get sick of it and have to do something else. Maybe it’s ADD passed down from my parents. After sitting in front of the sewing machine for so long working on the quilt, after a few squares I already felt burnt out.

Luckily, I had been itching to start crocheting again. 2 projects later and I’m burnt out and back to the quilt, but I got a couple cute things out of this burst of crochet energy. Both patterns were from Ana Paula Rimoli’s Amiguri Two! I got this book at Barnes & Noble on a whim and have been pretty happy with it thus far.

I’m realizing that the majority of craft books that I own are in Japanese, I mean, literally written in Japanese. I’ve been able to figure out the patterns relatively easily but I have to fill in the blanks most of the time. This book is in English and I have to say that was a bit easier on the brain. Though mine didn’t turn out exactly like the ones in the book, they were fun to make nontheless. Here is one of them: Peas in a Pod!

The one in the book only has 3 peas in the pod, but for some reason my pod turned out extra large and I was able to squeeze in 4. Go figure. I know everyone’s crocheting styles and stitches are a little different but I have never really paid attention to how many stitches per inch, etc. This might come back and bite me in the ass when I’m crocheting some type of clothing, but until then I’ll just do what I do.

One thing I have yet to perfect is the invisible decrease (which I’ve never heard mention of in any of the craft books I’ve read). I always wondered why the bottoms of all my spheres were lumpy and just not attractive in general. I finally googled this problem and discovered the invisible decrease which improved the look of my pieces greatly, but they still aren’t as smooth as I would like. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to advise!

I’ll post the other crochet project as soon as I take pictures of it. It’s been so cloudy here I haven’t been able to get any good light!




This is my newest sewing project, a request from one of my co-workers for her new niece. Cat pillow! You can see ones we’ve made in the past here and this is the very first one I ever made years ago.




I crocheted this dog from a pattern in a Japanese crafting book. If you haven’t looked through a Japanese crafting book, you should. And be ready for cuteness overload! I became obsessed with these craft books years ago and my collection has grown steadily. I’ve made more than a few items from these books but the one downside is they are almost all in in Japanese. I don’t happen to read Japanese but luckily for me crochet patterns are universal and I can usually follow those without much problem. It is a little taxing on the brain, trying to decipher which pattern is for which part of the doll but in the end it works out.

I’ve gotten my books from a variety of places, mostly Japanese bookstores. Andrew used to live in Chicago and, during one of my visits, I stocked up at Mitsuwa. In NYC, my favorite Japanese bookstore is Kinokuniya, which is not only great for books but movies as well.

A few online sources that I’ve found useful are Crafting Japanese, YesAsia, and Amazon: Japan.

Here is the book that I got this dog pattern from: ISBN-10: 9784774750712




Maybe you remember awhile back I mentioned Christmas presents (yes, CHRISTMAS presents, you know, that holiday that took place about 7 months ago??) me and Andrew made for our nieces and nephews. I remembered them because of two incidents. First, Andrew’s mom being the very prepared person she is, mentioned a Christmas gift that she just bought for a friend at an art fair. Second, my sister mentioned the gift we made for our nephew, Falcon, and said the kids play with it all the time. I figured it was high time to finally post about the gifts, just in case anyone was looking for ideas for this coming Christmas.

This pillow person/thing is the 3rd one i’ve made and it’s inspired by a creation by Hillary Lang over at Wee Wonderfuls. It’s such a simple and fun idea and oh-so-easy to customize to a kids liking. This is actually the fun part, coming up with ideas of how it should look. Sewing it, not so fun. And stuffing it with random pieces of foam and poly-fill, even less fun. All of that is worth it when you see how much the kids enjoy it though.


Friends of Mine

Many a month ago, I made a doll from a pattern I found in one of my Japanese craft books. Maybe you’ll remember him as the hipster bear with his little flower-y shorts and jaunty neckerchief. I was quite happy with how he turned out, but I wanted to try to make him my own by changing things up a little bit.

Since then I’ve made quite a few, but haven’t yet had a chance to post about them. This one I made for my dear friend Chandra over at This Is For That, for her birthday. If you remember the original one I made was more bear-like. I consider this new incarnation more dog-like in the face. This one in particular is the only one I’ve made thus far that has the roundy hands and feet. I’m not skilled in the ways of pattern-making so that’s why the hands and feet are more like flat ovals than rounded balls. Ah well, next time around. He’s also more squat in the body while the others I’ve made have a body more like the hipster bear, just with the dog face I created. I have a love for mismatched fabrics which probably stems from my childhood obsession with Holly Hobbie. I’ve always wanted to dress like her. The idea of being able to get away with wearing a bonnet and brown boots intrigues me.

Here are more photos of him standing around by the window.


Time for Christmas Present #3 given to my friends Toby and Ash: Wee’s. These guys were made from the Wee pattern from Hillary Lang over at Wee Wonderfuls. They are so simple and easily customizable. Made from thrift fabric with embroidered faces. If you want to check out of her amazing patterns you can go here for the free ones to download, and here for her shop that definitely has some stuff worth checking out.


It seems that my illness has abated somewhat after a couple days rest. Despite my lingering illness, last night Andrew took me to see The Nutcracker at the New York State Theater. He knows how much I love dance and my slight obsession with ballet, so he bought us tickets for my birthday back in October. It was so much fun and beautiful and amazing! I recommend everyone try to see it at least once.

And to continue with the Christmas theme, the next installment of past Christmas presents. Christmas Present #2 given to my niece Abigail and my nephew Josef: Happy Little Monsters

These guys are made from thrift fabric, felt, foam and poly-fill. The are really simple to make and the kids seem to enjoy their tossability. They are pretty much just sewn cubes filled with a big foam piece and filled in with polly-fill. The number of faces you could use are infinite. I chose to just cut out felt and glue AND sew them on for extra reinforcement, which is a good idea if you are making them for kids that are prone to pulling things off and eating them.



A few things…

Just a few things for today, which I have a feeling will turn into a big update. First off, it’s Halloween time again, which is also birthday time for me. Here is a picture of pumpkin I carved a couple years ago. I hadn’t carved a pumpkin in years it seems. I thought it turned out cool:

Secondly, we have a new addition to our home. I had been working on him for a little while now. Slowly but surely, and now he’s done.

The pattern is from a Japanese craft book that I bought online. I altered some of it because, even though I used the pattern for the head directly out of the book (I can’t read Japanese mind you) it was a totally funky shape.

I also altered the pants because I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how suspenders were supposed to stay up if dude has no shoulders. The pants ended up too big so I had to improvise a drawstring number so his pants stayed on his extremely long torso. He’s made out of almost all vintage bedding, except for the head and the handkerchief pattern. I had some serious problems with the fiberfill I used to stuff him. I’ve searched and searched for answers, but I couldn’t figure out why so many little fibers were sticking out through the fabric. It was driving me batty!! It’s possible that I just got not great quality fiberfill, it could be that my fabric is too thin…who know?! I’m trying not to stress it too much and i’ll just try to be more aware of it earlier on in the process next time around. I should take a cue from this guy and just chill out by the plants.

Lastly, the release date for the Toby Goodshank line is within our sights. We pretty much just have to pick a day, print out some labels, tie up some loose ends and we’re good. I’m guessing it’ll be in the next couple weeks. So make sure to check back.

Hope you all are well.