Crystal Madrilejos

Design & Creative

I mentioned this little project of ours a little while back. Now that football season is in full swing, I thought it would be appropriate to share our new site. Andrew had the idea for these shirts a long time ago but we never had the means to have them made. While we were living in NYC, we screen printed some prototypes ourselves which worked well enough to print a few. Finally, we had shirts professionally printed and they are available here. Women’s sizes are currently being printed and will be up for sale soon!



The City Pool

One of our newer endeavors, The City Pool has been a long time coming. It’s really Andrew’s baby, but I’ve been helping him out. If you are into sports, Ohio, and t-shirts please check out our new store.


[Image via Condé Nast]

The past few weeks have been full of Christmas present making, birthday gift buying, baby stuff planning and baby shower invite designing!

We’ve been making the majority of our presents for a couple of years now; which is fun, budget-friendly, as well as, time consuming. In my family, we mainly do presents for the kids and just a gift exchange for the adults since there are so many of us. Andrew’s immediate family is smaller so we buy gifts, but we’ve also made gifts for them in the past.

This year we got an early start and many presents have already been completed. I’m really excited about them and want to post them but I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise for some people!

So instead I will post about a few of the gifts that we’ve made in the past years. You can read past posts about Christmas gifts here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Apron and cookbook for Monica: Designed and sewn by Andrew. Made from thrifted fabric.

Bag O’ Shapes for Arwen: Designed, sewn and screenprinted by myself and Andrew. Made from canvas, thrifted fabric, and polyfill. This is something that we eventually hope to make more and sell in our etsy shop.

Doll for Abigail: Based on this design from a Japanese craft book. Crocheted scarf and a skirt made from a doily.

Leg Warmers for Abigail: I designed and crocheted these, but it was difficult because I’ve never made a pair before and I didn’t have Abigail to try them on as I was making them.

Crocheted Bag for Mariela: I crocheted this from a free pattern that I found at JoAnn Fabrics. Made with Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Naturals (you can find the pattern online here at the Bernat site, but you need to sign up for a free account.)



A few things…

Just a few things for today, which I have a feeling will turn into a big update. First off, it’s Halloween time again, which is also birthday time for me. Here is a picture of pumpkin I carved a couple years ago. I hadn’t carved a pumpkin in years it seems. I thought it turned out cool:

Secondly, we have a new addition to our home. I had been working on him for a little while now. Slowly but surely, and now he’s done.

The pattern is from a Japanese craft book that I bought online. I altered some of it because, even though I used the pattern for the head directly out of the book (I can’t read Japanese mind you) it was a totally funky shape.

I also altered the pants because I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how suspenders were supposed to stay up if dude has no shoulders. The pants ended up too big so I had to improvise a drawstring number so his pants stayed on his extremely long torso. He’s made out of almost all vintage bedding, except for the head and the handkerchief pattern. I had some serious problems with the fiberfill I used to stuff him. I’ve searched and searched for answers, but I couldn’t figure out why so many little fibers were sticking out through the fabric. It was driving me batty!! It’s possible that I just got not great quality fiberfill, it could be that my fabric is too thin…who know?! I’m trying not to stress it too much and i’ll just try to be more aware of it earlier on in the process next time around. I should take a cue from this guy and just chill out by the plants.

Lastly, the release date for the Toby Goodshank line is within our sights. We pretty much just have to pick a day, print out some labels, tie up some loose ends and we’re good. I’m guessing it’ll be in the next couple weeks. So make sure to check back.

Hope you all are well.

A Toby Goodshank Line update! Haven’t had one of those in awhile. Things are still moving along as slow as ever, but I did manage to finish one (rough) stuffed Mandor. I totally over-estimated my sewing skills, but they are sort of charming in their handmade sort of way. The tags have yet to be printed, and there is another Mandor doll almost done. He’s not as good looking as the first one, but they are pretty similar.

Also, one run of limited edition prints are almost completely done. Here are some shots of the prints, which I hope to get signed and numbered.

What prompted this burst of productivity? you ask, well we’ve signed up to silkscreen 100 cd covers for local NYC musician The Medicine Man, which have to be done by the end of the month. The Toby prints have been sitting in our screens for a little while now, and now we need the screens to print the cds so we’ve sort of been forced to forge ahead with the supplies we have instead of buying new screens. I’m hoping to set a deadline for the Toby stuff relatively soon. I’m shooting for the beginning of September, but i’ll keep you posted.

We’re heading to Ohio for the weekend to visit the families. While we’re there we’ll be hitting up the thrift stores for more wares to sell on Etsy (which is going pretty slow lately….sigh..) but also i’ll be on the lookout for some vintage clothing. There is an amazing vintage clothing shop near where we live in Brooklyn called Olive’s Very Vintage. I stopped in the other day and spoke with the lovely and beautiful owner/buyer Jen, and asked if she needed anyone to travel to the midwest and buy stuff for her store. She was very nice and made a list of things I should keep my eye out for.

This is something i’ve always wanted to do. We go back to Ohio ALL THE TIME and I always find so many awesome things that
1.) don’t fit me
2.) are super cute but not my style
3.) I can’t justify buying because I have way too many clothes and shoes and way too small apartment (and closet) and between Andrew and I, our clothing cannot be contained.
Selling the clothing on Etsy or Ebay is always an option, but there is just something too wonderful about going into an actual vintage clothing store and looking at the stuff in person.

Wish me luck!
